Find Data Science jobs in Ottawa, Ontario!

Ottawa's tech sector represents 11% of employment in the city. While not a national tech hub on it's own, Ottawa's concentration of tech talent benefits from it's proximity to Toronto and Montreal. Major international tech companies such as Syntronic, Avanade, and Blackberry have offices in Ottawa. The list above captures currently available opportunities in data science.

Ottawa has a number of institutions that train data scientists. Carleton University has an Institute for Data Science, uOttawa has Data Science Masters programs, and Ottawa University offers a bachelor program in Data Science and Technology.

Check out our comprehensive Canadian Data Scientist Salary Guide for more information on data science salaries in Ottawa and the rest of the country!

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About Ottawa

Map of Data Science Jobs In Ottawa, Ontario

Ottawa is the capital of Canada and is located in the province of Ontario. About 1 million people live in the city, making Ottawa the fourth largest city in Canada. Ottawa is in the Eastern Time Zone (EST).

Ottawa is known for it's historic sites, museums, and density of educational institutions. It is a popular tourist destination.

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